
 Does Fast-name support Image::Magick?

Yes we do, and in case you need to know the exact version number, at the time of writing, the...

 How do I connect to my MySQL database from a Perl CGI script?

Perl's DBI module provides an interface to MySQL databases for CGI scripts. A commented example...

 How do I set permissions on files and scripts?

Doing a CHMOD (changing a file's permissions) is the setting of access privileges for a file....

 Is PHP a CGI or Apache module?

PHP runs as a cgi at Fast-name – this is because it is more secure than running it as an Apache...

 What is the path to perl?

/usr/bin/perlYou can also find information on paths to other useful programs by logging in to...

 What is the path to sendmail?

Should you need the absolute path to sendmail for use in a CGI script, it's in...

 What permissions do I need to set CGI scripts to?

Files and directories within your cgi-bin directory (or CGI scripts elsewhere) should be set to...